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Eden Crown Hotel

Website: Eden Crown Hotel
Costs: €109,- (optional 15€ breakfast)
Booking deadline: 27th of May 2024
Booking link: click here!
Extra information: If you would like to book the optional breakfast, please send an e-mail to with your booking reference.

WestCord Hotel

Website: WestCord Hotel
Costs: €139,-
Booking deadline: 30th of April 2024
Booking link: click here!
Extra information: breakfast is included in the price.

Queen Hotel

Website: Queen Hotel
Costs: €97,50
Booking deadline: 30th of April 2024
Booking: send an e-mail to mentioning Prorisc-SAFE 2024
Extra information: breakfast is included in the price.

Contact us

The organization committee of ProRISC & SAFE 2024 is always happy to answer any questions you may have. Click the link below to go to the page containing info on whom to contact.